
Plant growing automation

Project Details

  • Leader : Gonzalo Vidal
  • What We are Doing : Automating plant growing using AI, Open Hardware and Imaging
  • Tools Used : Raspberry pi w/ camera, Python, CR-10
  • Completed on : Ongoing
  • Skills : Electronics / Keras/ Tensorflow/ Fusion 360


Bernardo is a plant growing automation system, it has 3 levels

Level 1

Bernardo is a 3D printed open hardware with a capacitive moist sensor and a microcontroller (Arduino or ESP) and activates a pump to water your plants when humidity is low.

Level 2

Bernardo is a 3D printed open hardware with a capacitive moist sensor, a camera (Raspberry cam, ESP cam) and a microcontroller (Raspberry with Arduino/analog-to-digital converter or ESP) and activates a pump to water your plants when an AI decides it. Upgrades It can have more sensors like enviromental temperature and humidity AHT10 or others, also cameras can be expanded to more resolution, IR and thermal. It can use bombs connected to sources containing different nutrients N,S,P.

Level 3

Bernardo is an AI that manages irrigation on crop fields. It has access to satellital images, climatic information and control over a dron (or swarm of drones) that have a home station in the field and takes samples (images, another sensor?) when its needed. It´s train can be complemented using level 2 data.